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Theme: Day | Night


Death Bringer a.k.a Galdregon's Domain is a fun dungeon-crawl epic that makes up for its lackluster plot with good gameplay and a vast gameworld to explore.

Tags: Fantasy, Physical Release, Single Character, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MS-DOS  

Year: 1989

The player controls a janitor on a two year supply run to Sirius who wakes from cryosleep after traversing hyperspace (the big empty) to find his ship, the Mombassa Oak, has been crippled on arrival at its destination (part of it remaining in hyperspace) leaving the ship's computer system failing.

Tags: Physical Release, Real-time combat, Sci-fi, Single Character  

Platforms: Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MS-DOS  

Year: 1990

dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
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