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Crossing the Sands

Platforms: Windows   Developer: Dragon Dropper   Publisher: Dragon Dropper   Franchise: Into the Inferno   Year: 2024   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Turn-based combat  


A first-person dungeon crawler RPG with turn-based combat and grid-based movement. Explore the desert and discover out what mysterious forces are behind growing attacks on the Human settlement.

Crossing The Sands is a first-person dungeon crawler RPG with turn-based combat and grid-based movement.

Something strange is happening in the desert, and powerful forces are at work. Various rival factions have stopped fighting for control of territory, and banded together to raid ever closer to Human cities. Rumor has it that a powerful leader is behind it all. It's up to you to investigate this threat and stop it before the Humans are driven from the desert.

Assemble a party of adventurers and explore a medieval desert world, fighting monsters in turn-based combat to build the skills and gather the equipment you'll need in order to vanquish the leader of the raiders. Master powerful healing and offensive magic to aid you on your adventures, and delve deep into ancient ruins to find out who's really pulling the strings.

This is a standalone sequel to Into The Inferno. You do not need to have played the first game to fully enjoy this one. It will be followed by Navigating The Labyrinth.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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