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Theme: Day | Night

3-D Glooper

Platforms: Commodore 16, Commodore 64, Commodore Plus/4   Developer: Atlantis Software Limited   Publisher: Supersoft   Year: 1983   Tags: Single Character  


You're trapped in a maze-like city where all the streets look the same - but you're not alone. The streets are patrolled by strange mutations called Gloopers and they are out to get you. How long will you survive?

3-D Glooper is a version of Pac-Man where you must move about a maze-like city eating blue blocks while trying to avoid the baddies called Gloopers that roam it. You can only escape once all the blocks are gone. Occasionally a red block will appear which for a short time allows you to eat the Gloopers.

The game is viewed from a first person perspective. As well as the main playing area the number of lives, High Score, Score, and a timer can be seen at the top of the screen. Pressing F1 also brings up a map showing the location of any Gloopers and blue blocks left to eat at the top of the screen.

Description, Cover and Screenshots via Mobygames


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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