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Theme: Day | Night

Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos

Platforms: FM Towns, MS-DOS, PC-98, Windows 3.x   Developer: Westwood Studios   Publisher: Virgin Games Ltd.   Year: 1993   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Physical Release, Real-time combat  


The Dark Army is on the move again, led by the evil sorceress Scotia. Her goal is obvious: to destroy Gladstone Keep and its ruler King Richard. Scotia herself has recently become more powerful after acquiring "the Mask" from the Urban Mines, gaining the ability to shape-shift. She is virtually unstoppable and able to infiltrate Gladstone Keep, poisoning King Richard. If it were not for the intervention of Sorceress Dawn, this monarch would surely be dead. In order to find a cure for the King's illness, a band of heroes must set out on an adventure, and keep themselves alive from the Dark Army forces. Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos is a real-time dungeon-crawling role-playing game viewed from first-person perspective. Players begin by choosing one of the four available protagonists: the Dracoid Ak'shel (high magic power), the Huline Kieran (high speed), and two humans: Michael (high strength) and Conrad (balanced character). Each has their weaknesses and strengths, but all abilities in the game can be eventually upgraded.


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