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RASKOPNIK: The Trench Warrior - World War II dungeon crawler
[News] 2021-07-28 17:55:32
Written by: zooperdan

Let me tell you. I love running this website and the discord server. Quite often someone throw me a link or a mention of some game in development or just recently released and the discovery of these amazing new games fuels my passion forward.

This time it is an amazing creation called RASKOPNIK: The Trench Warrior made by Wilderness Theory. Crawl around in the trenches during the 2nd World War fighting nazis and trying your best to stay alive. You got only one life. If you fail, try again: Learn, adapt, progress.

The atmosphere, environment and ambiance is absolutely amazing. Can you reach the end, squash the Reich and save the Motherland?



Play it here: https://myacty.itch.io/raskopnik


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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