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Madou Monogatari 1 for Turbografx-CD fan-translated
[News] 2020-12-14 07:16:50

While the Madou Monogatari series has the most unlikeliest of venn diagrams, people into dungeon crawlers and people into very cutesy looking anime visuals (even compared to other anime its over-the-top cutesy), its still dungeon crawlers news. So bear with me.

This is a fan-translation of the first game of the series for the TurboGrafx CD (or PC Engine CD in Japan), which also has been released for the Game Gear in 1993 (also fan-translated) and the Genesis/Mega Drive in 1996 (also fan-translated) the same year as the TurboGrafx CD version. They are based on a trilogy of games that were released together as Madou Monogatari 1-2-3 in 1990 for the MSX and in 1991 for PC-98.

Apparently the original MSX/PC-98 games had a turn-based combat system that was changed for at least the Genesis version to a fighting game-inspired action system, the dungeon layouts were completely changed and a couple of other things, which likely is true for the TurboGrafx CD and Game Gear versions as well. Having not played any of the games I can't say whether that's a good thing or not.

That said, if you have a daughter and want her to start playing dungeon crawlers, it looks like this is the best way to get her to start.


A couple of the other translated ports of the series

Madou Monogatari 2 Game Gear fan-translation

Madou Monogatari 3 Game Gear fan-translation

Madou Monogatari A (a prequel) Game Gear fan-translation

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