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Shining the Holy Ark

Platforms: SEGA Saturn   Developer: Camelot Software Planning, Sonic Co.   Publisher: Sega of America Inc.   Franchise: Shining   Year: 1997   Tags: Fantasy, JRPG, Party based, Turn-based combat  


Shining the Holy Ark is a part of the Shining game universe and is a pure console-style RPG (unlike Shining Force games, that were strategy/RPG hybrids). The gameplay is most similar to Shining in the Darkness; the player explores towns and dungeons in the first-person view, with battles almost exclusively taking place in dungeons. Battles take place in a turn-based format, maintaining the first-person view but also allowing the player to view allies as they take their actions. One unique mechanic is the "pixie" system, where the player can befriend pixies that will attack enemies as the party encounters them. You play the role of a young swordsman Arthur, who decided to work as a mercenary for various people needing his services. On his first mission, the King of Enrich sends him to a mine, in order to find and punish a renegade ninja who has escaped from him. However, an accident occurs that makes Arthur realize that he'll have to do much more than his usual mercenary assignment, and that there is a true evil in the world that must be defeated at all costs.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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