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Madō Monogatari A: Dokidoki Vacation

Platforms: Game Gear   Developer: Compile   Publisher: Compile   Franchise: Madō Monogatari   Year: 1995   Tags: Fantasy, JRPG, Single Character, Turn-based combat  


The story of Madō Monogatari A takes place at a time between Madō Monogatari I and Madō Monogatari II. Arle, the heroine of the series, is a little girl who studies magic. One day, she goes into a forest, only to notice that something terrible happened to it and its inhabitants, the fairies. Is this the work of the archenemy, Satan-sama? That's what Arle has to find out! Like most other Madō Monogatari games, it takes place in 3D maze-like dungeons, which you should explore, find treasures, and fight enemies. The turn-based, random battles are viewed from the same first-person perspective as the dungeon exploration. You fight using a variety of magic spells.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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