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Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees

Platforms: Windows   Developer: Silver Lemur Games   Publisher: Silver Lemur Games   Franchise: Legends of Amberland   Year: 2023   Tags: Fantasy, Open World, Party based, Turn-based combat  


Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees is a classic western RPG inspired by great 90s era games such as Might & Magic, Wizardry, Ultima, the Gold Box series. Light, fairy tale, epic, heroic, slightly humorous adventure.

You lead a party of 7 adventurers, manually assembled or pre-made, on an epic adventure to fight the evil which lurks in Amberland. It's light, fairy tale, epic, heroic and slightly humorous. It does not take tons of hours to complete or require an endless grind to progress. Basically, it's a love letter from the 90s, the golden era of RPGs.
Notable features:

* First person perspective, 90 degree rotation, over grid movement (like in the 90s).
* Turn-based (both combat and exploration).
* Party-based (7 heroes, either predefined or manually assembled upon new game).
* Fast paced combat, especially blazing fast against much weaker enemies.
* Quick travel to reduce backtracking.
* Easy inventory management with separate personal equipment encumbrance system and an infinite magic bag of carrying for items not equipped at the moment.
* Open world with a big overworld to explore.
* Quests (including both main storyline quests and side quests).
* Rich world lore (spanning between all games of the series, but no knowledge of prior games required).


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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