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3D Munch

Platforms: Oric   Developer: Laurent Benes / Karine le Pors   Publisher: Laurent Benes / Karine le Pors   Year: 1985   Tags: Fantasy, Single Character  


3D Munch is a Pac-Man variant played from a first person perspective. Viewpoint aside, the concept is very much the same as the arcade game. The player moves through a maze and has to collect all the pills (there are 222 of them). At the same time there are monsters roaming the corridors that the player has to stay away from unless he has collected a special pill that allows him to go after them instead. There are also strawberries that can be collected for a larger amount of points. In addition to the first person view there is also a radar that shows the location of the monsters and the player. It does however not shows where any of the pills are located. There is also an arrow that shows the direction the player is facing.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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