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Theme: Day | Night

Conglomerate 451

Platforms: Linux, Mac OS, PS4, Windows   Developer: RuneHeads   Publisher: 1C Entertainment   Year: 2020   Tags: Cyberpunk, Party based, Turn-based combat  


Embracing its grid-based, dungeon-crawling RPG roots, Conglomerate 451 offers players an evolution of one of gaming’s most beloved genres. Tasked with taking down the corrupt corporations that threaten sector 451 of Conglomerate city, establish and manage a crack team of cloned agents, altering their DNA and outfitting them with the latest in high-end cyber limbs, implants, and weaponry to best carve out an edge in this city-wide struggle.

Each encounter carries additional weight, however. Roguelike elements ensure that not only could each mission be an agent’s last, but that even the most inconsequential wound can evolve into a permanent status modifier, changing the way they approach future encounters. This means players will have to leverage everything from hacking and equipable agent skills to the strategic use of their personal R&D department to make it out alive.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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