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Theme: Day | Night


A first-person adventure game with RPG elements, featuring environments rendered in 3D polygon graphics, for possibly the first time in a home video game, along with early survival horror elements. However, the game is better remembered for its cyberpunk narrative, which was adapted into a sci-fi novel shortly afterwards.

Tags: Sci-fi, Single Character, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X1  

Year: 1987

Elm Knight is set in a futuristic world, dominated by the totalitarian regime of the Empire, which hunts down the so-called "Irregulars" - people who have supernatural abilities. The young Rick Chandler is attending the Pilot Academy, where he learns to control giant robots known as "MPS". He discovers that he might be in possession of magical abilities (which would make him an Irregular), and escapes to the desert, where he meets a girl named Selena, who directs him to the base of a rebel organization. Joining the rebels, Rick must face his Imperial superiors, some of which are closely related to him...

Tags: Real-time combat, Sci-fi, Single Character  

Platforms: FM Towns, PC-98  

Year: 1992

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