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Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga is a remake of the first three Wizardry games: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordKnight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llylgamyn. As in the original games, the player can create characters choosing from five races and eight classes, and level them up by exploring the maze and fighting monsters, finding and buying items in process.

Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: PlayStation, SEGA Saturn, Windows  

Year: 1998

New Age of Llylgamyn is the second set of Wizardry remakes for the Playstation(Llylgamyn Saga was the first and encompassed the original trilogy). It consists of the classic and arrange versions of the notoriously hard Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna as well as a remake of Wizardry V: Heart of Maelstrom. Sporting improved visuals, new orchestral soundtrack, auto-mapping, quick-saving and a nifty feature which allows the player to switch back to the wireframe graphics and 8-bit sprites, it is arguably the best way to enjoy these classic dungeon crawlers.

Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: PlayStation  

Year: 1999

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