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The Spirit Master of Retarnia: Conqueror of the Labyrinth

Platforms: Windows   Developer: Lunasoft   Publisher: MangaGamer   Year: 2018   Tags: Adult, Anime, Fantasy, JRPG, Party based, Turn-based combat  


A traditional 3D RPG where the player traverse numerous dungeons and battle monsters. Loot tons of gears to power up your heroines and customize your team to your playstyle! But don't let your party lose in battle or they will suffer!

Our story begins in the Kingdom of Retania, a country that has been at peace for five hundred years. However, portals to the Demon World have suddenly opened up, and the vile monsters which lie beyond it are determined to invade and take over the kingdom.

Five hundred years earlier, a certain hero known as the "Spirit Master of Retarnia" averted a similar crisis and led five spirits--The White Spirit Norn, the Red Spirit Vesta, the Blue Spirit Rusalka, the Green Spirit Melissa, and the Black Spirit Iris--to battle against the demons and seal the portals to their world.

At the request of Queen Sylvia, Leonard, a descendant of the Spirit Master, stepped forth across the portal into the Demon World to save the kingdom...

  • Traverse numerous dungeons and battle monsters!
  • Loot tons of gear, including epic Artifacts, from the dungeons to power up your heroines!
  • Your party members will suffer if you lose in battle!
  • Brace for battle by stocking up on potions and goods!
  • Level up and customize your team to your playstyle!
  • Face off against fearsome monsters to restore peace to Retarnia!


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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