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Theme: Day | Night

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare

Platforms: Linux, Mac OS, Windows   Developer: 68k Studios   Publisher: Gamera Interactive   Year: 2018   Tags: Fantasy, Horror, Single Character, Turn-based combat, Violent  


The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare is a First Person Dungeon Crawler RPG for hardcore gamers. Inspired by classic games from the 90s, the game adds new juicy features to modernize a classic genre of role playing games.

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare is a journey into your subconscious; each character, each Alter Ego, represents a different personality, but they are all sharing the same goal: to discover what is hidden in the darkest part of your mind and free it from its demons.
The blood slowly flows down from your wrists. You're about to faint...you are finally going to die, you know it. The blade falls from your hand. You hit the floor in a puddle of blood. You are dying. And this is just the beginning of your journey.

The game has a dark and creepy tone with a good amount of violence and gore. The gameplay isn't set in a specific time period, but the setting is more like a mix of different elements, some from the past (like old weapons or the dungeons themself) and some from a more modern era (like tv screens), while all the cutscenes are clearly set in the present.

  • Create your Alter Ego customizing attributes, skills, personality, traits and perks.
  •  Perma-Death: use only one character at a time. If he dies, you have to create a new one.
  •  Unlock new items, resources and power-ups to help future Alter Ego in their journey.
  •  19 huge levels + randomly generated dungeons for tons of hours of gameplay.
  •  INFERNO mode.
  •  More than 60 spells.
  •  You can craft items, create medicines and upgrade weapons: collect resources and share them between your characters.
  •  Turn-based combat. Use different equipment, spells, skills, medicines, throwing weapons and other items to fight your enemy.
  •  Secrets, hidden walls and buttons, timed events and a lot of stuff to discover.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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