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Swords of Glass

Platforms: MS-DOS   Developer: Keypunch Software   Publisher: Keypunch Software   Year: 1986   Tags: Fantasy, Single Character, Turn-based combat  


Swords of Glass is a classic, some would say archaic, PC game from 1986 in which you explore a series of eight dungeons and evolve characters as you search for the mythical Sword of Glass.

In Swords of Glass you play either a warrior or a magician who is searching through a deep dungeon for the legendary Sword of Glass.

After you create a character, you then go into the store and buy weapons and armor for your journey into the dungeon. Once in the dungeon you would fight evil monsters to the death and pick up treasure chests along the way. After a little fighting, you return to the stairway and leave the dungeon. Then, you go to the store again, sell your spoils, and buy better equipment, and rest in the hotel. That's pretty much how the game goes. Each level of the dungeon becomes increasingly difficult.

On each level is a stairway down to the lower dungeon. There are a total of 8 dungeon levels and the Sword of Glass is somewhere on the bottom level.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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