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Swords and Serpents

Platforms: NES   Developer: Interplay Entertainment   Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment   Year: 1990   Tags: Fantasy, Multiplayer, Party based, Turn-based combat  


Swords and Serpents is a fantasy role-playing video game developed by Interplay Productions for the Nintendo Entertainment System. In this game, the player controls a party of four adventurers on a dungeon-crawling quest to destroy a terrible serpent. Along the way, the party encounters an onslaught of fantasy monsters and collects gold and treasure while gaining experience points needed to raise their individual attributes. Swords and Serpents focuses mainly on gameplay and contains very little plot development.

The game was originally designed by Paul O'Connor (lead designer for Dragon Wars) but he only worked on the game for two weeks before leaving the project. Bruce Schlickbernd was assigned to revise the game design, but didn't feel it was appropriate to be listed as the sole designer. Thus, there is no game designer listed within the documentation for the game.

Boris Vallejo crafted the box art. This game has no connection to the Mattel Intellivision game of the same title.


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