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Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol

Platforms: Windows 3.x   Developer: David Allen   Publisher: IPC Software   Franchise: Decklins Demise   Year: 1995   Tags: Fantasy, Real-time combat, Single Character  


MORDOR - THE DEPTHS OF DEJENOL is a grand-scale Fantasy Role Playing game that captivates all who play it. This first adventure will take you to the world of Mordor and the Mines of Marlith, now known as The Depths of Dejenol.

In The Depths of Dejenol you will create characters from a choice of races, oversee their training in skills taught by one or more of a dozen guilds, and lead them into a mysterious dungeon on a nearly endless mission of exploration, mapping, and looting.

Along the way, you will encounter hundreds of exotic and terrifying creatures. And when properly trained, you will be able to charm or vanquish them as you see fit.

As you venture deeper into the mines, you will discover rare and powerful artifacts. Artifacts that you can sell for considerable profit or use to cast magical spells.

The deeper you explore, the more excitement and challenge you’ll find. But proceed with caution, or you may discover why so few explorers return from... The Depths of Dejenol.

  • Exciting non-linear play
  • Real-time action and combat
  • 2D graphic world
  • Rich musical soundtrack
  • Exciting sound FX
  • 256 color graphics
  • Hundreds of unique items and monsters
  • A rich collection of magical spells
  • Nine character races to choose from
  • A dozen guilds with specialized skills
  • Auto mapping
  • Auto-compatibility with most Windows displays types and sizes
  • A game environment so advanced, and a world so rich, you will be challenged by each new adventure


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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