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Theme: Day | Night

Magic Island - The Secret Of Stones

Platforms: Amiga, Amiga CD32   Developer: Arda Team   Publisher: Signum   Year: 1995   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Real-time combat  


You are playing the son of an old warrior, who gave you a letter for his friend. There starts a long journey, you found this old friend dead and you discover the history of this friendship. The whole game is most similar to the Ishar series – outdoor locations, real-time combat and pretty graphics. Unfortunately this game has some minor problems with technical issues – don't even try run this game on Amiga with turbocard. On other hand there is lot of original things like alchemist receipts and growing up your characters. For example – there is more than twenty ingredients like mushrooms, fern, witches hair or dry dog turd, which you can mix up, even in original manual there aren't all combinations to learn. Your party has four people and each of them has few statistics and skills. If you gain enough experiences to level up, you can choose from skills or attributes. This way you can learn how to use magic even with a fighter.  


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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