What is a dungeon crawler?

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Magic Cauldron - Dungeons

Platforms: Windows   Developer: Manuel Schenk Games   Publisher: Prevain   Year: 2024   Tags: Fantasy, Physical Release, Single Character, Turn-based combat  


Magic Cauldron - Dungeons is a classic dungeon crawler with a pixel art look. The game is reminiscent of the good old days of grid crawlers, which were still completely 3D-free.

(Steam Promo Text)
The world of Magic Cauldron is full of secrets and legends just waiting to be discovered. But on the dark paths of legends and prophecies, everything has its price. Sometimes the price is certain death.
There is an old legend about a magical cauldron that is said to have the power to bring the dead back to life. This cauldron is said to be hidden on a remote island.
Many adventurers wanted to achieve fame and honour and also be bestowed with riches. Most of them failed miserably.
Are you perhaps an adventurer with the courage to face your demons? Choose a hero and throw yourself into the adventure.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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