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Theme: Day | Night

L'Antre de la Peur

Platforms: Oric   Developer: Betrand Delouis   Publisher: Betrand Delouis   Year: 1984   Tags: Party based, Turn-based combat  


Four heroes, two warriors brave and strong, a cleric devoted yet fearsome, a wizard weak of body but powerful by spells, here is a small valiant company ready to face any danger.
The old kingdom of Liliendur at the edge of the mountains of doom has been conquered by dark powers. fortresses have been erected. It is said that the old treasures of the lost kingdom are hidden there. Each stronghold is under the dominion of an incarnation of the dreaded Black Mage, guarded by hordes of monsters and corrupted men
Is it folly that pushed you towards Liliendur to enter one of this stronghold? Time will tell. Your preparations made, you have undertaken the arduous journey through this distant wasteland. You will have to prove yourself and grow in strength to face the BLACK MAGE...
This is a pretty early gridder and for the fairly obscure Oric platform no less. I don't know much about this game other than it lets you crawl dungeons and fight monsters and loot treasures through three levels.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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