What is a dungeon crawler?

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Theme: Day | Night

Dungeon of Doom

Platforms: Apple II   Developer: Argon Games   Publisher:   Year: 1980   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Physical Release, Turn-based combat  


From Mobygames:
Dungeon of Doom is a 1-player role-playing game for the Apple II. The player creates their own party of 1–12 characters, who can be a fighter, magic user, or cleric. The player sets each character's strength, dexterity, intelligence, charisma, wisdom, and constitution, and can choose the character's equipment and enchantment level 1–5. Once the party is created, the player can start their adventure.

The player navigates a six-level dungeon from a first-person perspective. The player can access a map of the level, teleport, heal, or check their character and treasure status. The player can enter rooms for combat, or encounter random combats as they explore. Combat occurs on a separate screen, and characters and enemies take turns with movement. The player can cast magic or cleric spells with a force of 1–5, use ranged weapons, or engage in direct combat. The player gains gold and experience after victory, which can be used to purchase better equipment.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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