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Theme: Day | Night

Dragon Knight II

Platforms: MSX, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X68000, TurboGrafx-CD   Developer: Elf Co., Ltd.   Publisher: Elf Co., Ltd.   Franchise: Dragon Knight   Year: 1990   Tags: Anime, Fantasy, JRPG, Single Character, Turn-based combat  


Strawberry Fields - a magic country populated almost exclusively by beautiful young girls (that is, if we don't count the Wise Old Man and a couple of other male exceptions). All went well in this peaceful place, until the evil witch Mesaana abducted some of the country's lovely inhabitants and placed a curse upon them, turning them into hideous monsters.

Enter Takeru Yamato, a young adventurer who happens to be in Strawberry Fields at that time. Takeru is told that in order to remove the curse one has to find three sacred writings, buried deep within three dangerous dungeons. Looks like a job for our adventurer - especially because the rescued girls will probably be very grateful!

This is a first-person game, and sequel to Dragon Knight, that is mainly dedicated to dungeon exploring. Takeru has to explore the three dungeons, fighting enemies and sometimes talking to dungeon inhabitants. The enemies are the girls who were turned into monsters by Mesaana. In town, Takeru can also buy weapons, armor, and items, and talk to various people.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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